Omega 3 from the likes of fish oil receives a great deal of media exposure, but its important to understand that there needs to be a balance between Essential Fatty Acids for optimum health to be achieved. Lets take a look at the benefits of omega 6.
The Key Benefits of Omega 6 Fats
Omega 3 from the likes of fish oil receives a great deal of media exposure, but its important to understand that there needs to be a balance between Essential Fatty Acids for optimum health to be achieved. In this regards Omega 3 tends to be over consumed because of the mainstream media scaring consumers off omega 6.
You will often see blogs by totally un-educated Sheeple who have no real understanding of EFA’s posted things like “Omega 6 the devils oil” or “the dangers of omega 6”. If folks like this actually took the time to look at the real issue they may actually help educate others with the correct information instead of inaccurate scare mongering!
The fact remains there are many benefits to be gained from supplement with both omega 3 and 6. Its all about balancing the correct ratios of fatty acids. The reason omega 6 has got such a bad wrap is because modern day diets contain so much omega 6 hence the association with bad health! Nothing could be further from the truth and its important to read between the lines and get the facts right before jumping to conclusions.
[highlight text_color=”#000″ background_color=”#f7c104″ ]The truth is it’s the BAD (omega 6) fats that are the problem, NOT omega 6 itself.[/highlight]
Omega 6 fats are indeed essential for good health and when balanced to the correct ratios with omega 3 they have very powerful properties.
Lets take a quick look at the key benefits of Omega 6 fats
Growth and development:
Growth. Omega 6 plays an important role in cell growth, and is thus essential for brain and muscle development. The omega 6 arachidonic acid (AA) is for this very reason added to most infant formulas.
Both brain development and muscle development are critical for infants. The growth benefits of omega 6 also explain the great interest that body builders and top athletes have in omega 6 consumption.
Hormonal Messengers
Omega 6 in the form of linoleic acid (LA) plays a critical role in the production of hormone like messengers. These PGE1 messengers from LA trigger immune responses, reduce fluid accumulation, and impact depression, multiple sclerosis, PMS mood swings, schizophrenia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and other brain disorders.
Messengers made from arachidonic acid (AA) are called PGE2 and play an important role in swelling, pain, blood thinning, blood vessel spasms and accumulation of inflamed cells.
You may wonder why pain or inflammation is considered a benefit. The answer is that pain is an important signal that prevents further injury, and inflammation is a trigger for our immune system.
Healthy Nervous System
PGE1 from linoleic acid omega 6 is important in the nervous system, as a transmitter of nerve impulses.
It’s clear that most of these beneficial characteristics of AA and LA are very positive to a degree. For example pain.
Without a pain sensation we would be less protected against injury. But when the pain messenger is not turned off and pain becomes chronic, then we have a whole different problem.
The Truth about Omega 6 Fatty Acids
Most popular health writers and nutritionists do NOT understand the difference between “parent” and derivative EFAs! They also don’t take into consideration that most if not all foods contain damaged omega 6 EFAs (trans fats), which are damaging to your body!
There are numerous articles on EFAs everywhere with some good information, but nearly all of these articles lack a basic understanding of the difference between “parent” and derivative EFAs.
This incomplete understanding of EFAs is the reason the new term Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) has been coined, to differentiate between the “parent” and derivative forms of EFAs.
You may also have read that you are getting an overload of omega-6 EFAs in your diet and that you only need to take omega-3 supplements. The problem with this bad advice is that the omega-6 EFAs found in most foods have been mostly damaged and turned into trans-fats.
Therefore, by skipping Omega-6 supplementation, you are depriving your body of the essential, undamaged “Parent” omega-6 EFAs it needs to function at peak performance!
[alert animation_delay=”0″ animate=”bounceIn” ]WARNING[/alert]
Derivative EFAs are not used by the body, unless derived from the “parent.” Nearly ALL EFA supplements, including fish oil, consists of derivatives. Your body does not need mega-doses of derivatives, which can cause you great harm! Your body makes the derivatives it needs from the “parent” oils, as well as using the parent directly.
The body uses 95% of the Parent form and only about 5% of the derivatives.
So supplements without parent oils are insufficient and ineffective and can even be dangerous to your health!
Parent Essential Oils are fundamental to proper nutrition. Our bodies use PEOs as the building blocks for cellular growth, which plays a central role in feeling, looking, and performing at your best. Your body can’t make PEOs; they must come from food or nutritional supplements.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about the key benefits of omega 6 fats.
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